Monday, October 10

Some people think that being faithful is to finish what you have started. "Finish what you have started" really, that is faithfulness? No! What if you without knowing started to build hay and stubble thinking you are doing the work of the Lord. Then God tells you to stop, but to continue your faithfulness you continue in the work. What now is faithfulness? Did it profit anything at all? Nope! Just gets burned. 

Just because you have started something doesn't mean you need to see it through till the end. In fact, in God's Kingdom many workers, led by God's Spirit, will make the heavy load light. Even if you are building with silver, gold and precious stones, God is still in control, you need to be humble enough to stop when He says stop. His Kingdom also isn't a one man show. One man plants, and another waters but God gives the increase. You may start a project and another finishes it, but its God's Spirit that needs to be directing both in order for there to be an increase. 

Its about God and not about you. He has prepared Kingdom assignments for us to work together. Don't do it on your own. Be faithful to God and not to your own"Finish what I have started" ego. God is not in the business to make you look good, but in the business to destroy darkness, to save the Lost, heal the sick, and put to shame the works of the evil one. The cross was to unite us and not to divide us. A kingdom divided against itself will surely fall, but a nation with one language and one mind can do anything. So we need to speak the same language do the same work. That work isn't yours its God's, it's His plan. That language is the language of Love. Just let go and let God be God. ~ Rich Cohrs

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