Monday, November 21

Are you intimated by the faith of those around you. If so that might be your only problem. Your projected fear could be what is hindering your faith from moving you forward. Fear hinders faith because it is a form of doubt. But, remember, if you choose to let fear hinder your faith it is your choice. It is possible to have both. It is possible to be in the Spirit and yet in the flesh. We are spirits that live in bodies. Both body and spirit. So yes, inside full of faith, and yes outside full of fear. But when you walk in the Spirit, you no longer obey the works of the flesh. You know longer are captive by the things of the world and "Fear" itself can't stop you. Even Paul, when faced with many troubles feared just like you and me. Even God sent His angels to tell Paul, "Do not fear".

What does fear do to you. Well it was faith that inspired a man named Peter to step out of a boat onto some rapid stormy waters, but yet it was fear that made him begin to sink. Peter saw the storms, the wind, the circumstances. He was intimated, he was fearful, he was doubtful. But one thing is for sure, Peter is the one that walked on water, not Thomas, not the sons of Thunder, but Peter. Peter stepped out of the boat. Even when Peter stepped out, none of the others got excited enough to do the same. None of them decided that if Peter can do it so can I. Should we let others that have great faith makes us doubt our own, should we be intimated? Or should we look at the miracle and believe that with God anything is possible?

So what did Peter have that was different then you? Why could Peter walk on the water and not the others? What kind of man was this Peter, a fisherman by occupation, a man who knew first hand the dangers of the seas. Answer, a man of little faith. A man that was vulnerable to fear like you and me. A man with his own doubt. This man named Peter, was successful at stepping out of the boat. Successful at walking on the water. And when he began to sink, he was successful to put His trust in Jesus to save him. And what was his reward from His happy King Jesus. Jesus simply said, “You of little faith,” ,“why did you doubt?”. For sure you can learn this one thing from Peter, that is doesn't take great faith to walk on water. Jesus can not and will not every lie, and yet He said to this great man of faith, “You of little faith,”.

So moral of the story is, next time you have a "little" bit of faith, why don't you just go ahead and walk on water because that is all it takes. And while your at it, don't let those that you perceive to have great faith be the storms on the sea for you. Don't be intimidated. Don't mix doubt with your faith. Don't sink. But if you do, praise the Lord for divine Grace because God will lift you up over the stormy waters and save you. Trust in God today. Trust and Obey. Trust and Pray! Trust and do the unthinkable! Be that man or woman of "LITTLE FAITH"! Faith pleases God, and never forget that. Faith alone pleases God, it doesn't have to be great faith, just faith alone.

Hebrews 11:16
And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.
by Rich Cohrs

Wednesday, November 16

Proverbs 15:1
 1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, 
But a harsh word stirs up anger.

Even God's Word shouldn't be used with a brother or sister to stir up anger. If you are in a scriptural debate and you get angry, most likely you are not feeling the anger of the Lord that most people claim to be feeling (Godly anger, Fiery indignation, Passion for the Word). Most likely your feeling your own pride wanting to be right and wanting to have the last say so. You think your right, they think their right, but it doesn't matter in the end, cause when you use God's word in a debate neither one of you are now "right". Even if your opinion was the right opinion you are now wrong in the way you are delivering it. You have both become an enemy to the gospel, to the "Word of God". Sure people will always get offended at the Word of God because it says profound things that get people all shook up, but that is not what I am talking about. I am talking about your close nit family of the Lord. 

Ephesians 4:26 says to "Be Angry", but "SIN NOT". That verse is one of the hardest scriptures to obey. How hard is it to actually be angry and not sin at the same time? Extremely! The next part of the verse says not to let the sun go down on your wrath, or your anger. So now it is saying to forgive. Let it go, be the man in the situation, or for some of you, the woman in the situation. Both parts of the verse leave us with a warning, that is is not good to be angry and if you are then you are in danger. What Danger? Danger of a bitter and wounded spirit. If you learn to forgive at the drop of a dime you will learn a GREAT secret of guarding your heart. Forgiveness is like a shield to you against the enemy. It protects you against bitterness and keeps you from getting wounded. 

So now back to what I was first saying. A gentle answer turns away wrath (anger), but a harsh Word stirs up anger. So if you are warned to not be angry lest you fall into temptation of unforgiveness then why would you be the one giving the harsh words. Why would you be giving your brother or sister a reason to be angry and unforgiving. Think about what you are saying before you say them. If someone needs correction cause they believe the Word of God in error, then pray about it first before speaking. If God's Spirit is not directing you, then there will be no power in what you say. It is God's anointing that breaks the yoke. You need the Spirit that has been poured out on you to do the leading in these situations. God sets people free not you. It is His Spirit that brings freedom, not you. Remember God is not fighting His children, He is loving them. Don't be the advocate, be the avenue of God's Love. 

Last thing I want to say, is that if your brother is sinning, and you feel it is your need to give a harsh rebuke. Just remember this, nobody is without sin. NOT EVEN YOU! Cast the first stone, and one day I am sure it will hit you right up the side of the head. LOL If they need to repent, God's goodness needs to be reminded to them. 

New International Version (NIV)
Romans 2:1-4

 1 You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. 2 Now we know that God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. 3 So when you, a mere human being, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment? 4 Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?

It is His GOODNESS or as in this translation it says, "KINDNESS"  that leads people to repentance. Fear brings deception, but Goodness brings revelation of God's love to a His child. Yes we should fear God, but there needs to be a balance of LOVE and GRACE. A reverential fear of God. Fear as in Respect, not the feeling of God is going to ZAP you for doing wrong. 

Galatians 6:1
New American Standard Bible (NASB)

 1 Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted.

And for those of you who feel it is your job to be the O so Powerful JESUS REBUKER, remember this verse. RESTORE in the SPIRIT OF GENTLENESS! You also are vulnerable to fall in the same sin. Don't think you are that spiritual. I did that once, and had to pay the price for years. When you think you are the purest then mostly likely that is your folly already. Season all your words with GRACE. That is the Word of God. Its not the HARSH NEWS, but the Good News! 

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