Friday, July 4

 I know we can all appreciate the pleasures of freedom whether it be our Nations Freedom or that particular day of spiritual freedom. We know that as our nation is free that there is an underlining truth that we aren't really free. We have deception that keep us from being a free country.We have levels of freedom that give us certain pleasures that other countries may not get to appreciate but all in all without Christ in ULTIMATE rule there isn't real freedom. Thank God that Jesus, the Son of God, is our Lord, King, Savior, Brother and Friend. Thank God that "whom the Son sets free is free indeed"! Thank God that His Anointing doesn't just set free, break or just remove, but instead DESTROYS the yoke of BONDAGE that enslaves. 

When God delivered Israel from the hands of their oppressors in Egypt what happened? Like going through a baptism they walked right through the red sea. Behind them were all the oppressors, Pharaoh himself, and the government that enslaved them. The sea was like walls of water on the left and on the right side as they walked on dry ground. As they reach the other side all that enslaved them were destroyed as those walls came crashing and gushing down and consumed Pharaoh and his army of oppressors. Not even the horses of their chariots survived. And then there was a gap of sea between their old lives of slavery and the new life that was before them,
separating, sanctifying, setting them apart, unto the one that was in the midst of the Cloud. There was no turning back. And from then on God himself was leading them. What and awesome testimony of the power of God in their lives. I couldn't imagine being in their shoes during those times, but knowing now what they went through afterward I'm glad I wasn't. 

Although they were free, they never mixed their faith with the truth of what God had and was doing in their lives. Not one of those free folks walked into the promise. Even Moses himself didn't make it. They struggled in their new lives with wanting the pleasures of their old lives. What was behind them, they wanted instead of what was promised before them. They cried out with murmurings of unrighteousness that indicated they'd rather be back in bondage and under the power of oppressors just for certain pleasures.  

In our "Christ Independence Day", our salvation, we experience a similar breakthrough from our old life to our new life in Christ. Instead of the Red Sea, we are buried, immersed  into the death of Jesus Christ, and then we are raised in resurrection with our Resurrected King, coming up out of this spiritual water. Christ the Anointed King destroyed the yoke of slavery that was in our lives so that we could now become slaves of righteousness. Bond servants of Christ. We go through wilderness times of struggles, where darkness blinds us and even though God's Glory cloud is before us leading us, all we see is what we want and what we think we need, and not what we truly need. God, who is in the midst of that glory, is all Israel needed. He proved it over and over and over. He provided over and over and over. Not one person got sick, not one piece of clothing became rotten. They even had more than they asked for. They, by the hand of God took plunder of gold and riches from the Egyptians. When they were thirsty God would do the impossible and cause streams of water to flow freely from a Rock. OH Christ
is the refreshing rock of our salvation. What more could they ask for. They kept asking for what they could obtain back in their bondage. They wanted the meat, and the experience they had in Egypt. They had holy marriage but wanted unholy pleasures of immorality. Would God not have given them better and in abundance in the promise land? 

What took Israel 40 years to achieve took Jesus 40 days. With all the temptation in the wilderness men fail, but Jesus is a victor in His wilderness. With no sin, yet tempted beyond measure, Christ goes before us. He is the GLORY! He is our leader! He knows the best solution in all our problems. He being tempted also has much much compassion on us who are tempted. We may still have this old man lingering around but we also have this NEW MAN in Christ that is resurrected and lives forever. Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Put on Lord Jesus whom cloths us in freedom. Israel had Moses who was faithful in leading the house of Israel, but we have Jesus who is the BUILDER of this spiritual house whom we are, being fitted and built together in love. 

Israel just needed to follow that Glory to the finish line to see the promise. They didn't want it. I know we do. They failed, we shall succeed. They'd rather enjoy the old life they were delivered from but I know we want more. They didn't have the faith to add to the mixture of the message that God was cooking up for them but I know we are pouring our faith in the mixing bowl of God's presence and grace. Hold fast, don't give up, put your hand over your ears and quit listening to the devil. Your promise is on its way. Like Jesus said to the tempter in His own recorded temptations, "GET THE BEHIND ME SATAN", you also say, "GET behind me!" to all that holds you in bondage. Whether spiritual wickedness itself or simply you are being drawn away by your own lust that is in your flesh, just proclaim the Lord of your life and that you are brand new. Walk in the Spirit in whom has sealed you
for the day of your redemption, the day our Lord perfects us with immortality, with incorruptibility, as we all are greeted by Him together in the clouds. Until that day, be free! Until you are gathered together in the those clouds chose faith in the Son whom sets free indeed. Remember Christ is the glory of God, and don't turn your face from Him as Israel turned their face from Moses when the brightness of the glory of God was shinning from his face, instead look upon the face of Jesus Christ who changes you from Glory to Glory, with every new revelation of Jesus Christ. And don't forget that righteous baptism that Jesus entered before His leading into His wilderness. What happened? As He came out of the water the Holy Spirit, like a dove, descended upon Him. If Christ who was perfect, still needed the Holy Spirit, don't you think us, who are being groomed for perfection need Him much much more. The Spirit descended upon Jesus before His wilderness, don't you think we need Gods Spirit in our desert and wilderness experiences. Don't forget the Comforter was sent to you for a reason. Power has been released on you to be the witness of Jesus Christ. Power to walk in freedom, to give others freedom. 

Bless you today on 4th of July! 


Saturday, June 21

I've been studying about ancient Hebrew meditation all morning after my scripture reading took me on a rabbit trail (June 6, 2014). I was reading about Issac and how he went to the open field to meditate right before he saw Rebecca for the very first time (Gen 24:63). This struck my curiosity and wanted some details since this was way before the bible was written and way before the law (400 years prior) itself was written. In a nutshell, this type of meditation was most likely the ancient form of meditation in which man cleaved unto God. They were giving themselves over in silence and deep thought toward the Creator, Usually resulting in prophetic knowledge and wisdom, possibly even falling into trances and receiving revelation.
Other forms of Hebrew meditation have been taught since then but all involve knowledge Issac never had. Some meditated on the first 5 books of the bible, some on the names of God, and some on the precepts of God, some on prayers in a book, etc. I could imagine that Issac may have had circulated writings about creation, maybe even Enoch's writings about creation and prophetic insight of the end and destruction of all creation. I'm just speculating at this point, however the truth is that Issac indeed got away from everything to be alone with God and to meditate. I've got a gut feeling this wasn't just a religious practice but instead a relationship discipline. A tool he most likely learned from his father Abraham that was successful in SEEKING God and finding Him as well. This reminds me so much of the times when Jesus just needed to be alone with His Father. Where He withdrew Himself and went up unto a hill and just spent time, even much time, sometimes all night long. I believe Jesus wasn't coming back empty handed from those times and I believe the "Friend of God", Abraham, didn't either. Just as God Himself said "Shall I hide from Abraham what i am doing" (Gen 18:17).
Anyway, this is a very cool verse from the Psalms, (down below Psalm 119:97-100). It seems the author was focused more on the law, precepts of God. I like how it says "For they are ever with me". It is like he was declaring ownership of the commandments of God. The way it was written wasn't like the author was bragging about his religious status of being a victorious doer of the law like many others fell short of: the majority. It was more like the hidden meanings of the law and the commandments had produced wisdom and knowledge within himself which gave him power to overcome even his enemies. One form of ancient Hebrew meditation was literally just this. It was prophecy and wisdom becoming one during mediation. Many ancient Hebrew writings were written through this type of meditation.

Psalm 119:97-100 (NKJV)
97 Oh, how I love Your law!
It is my meditation all the day.
98 You, through Your commandments, make me wiser than my enemies;
For they are ever with me.
99 I have more understanding than all my teachers,
For Your testimonies are my meditation.
100 I understand more than the ancients,
Because I keep Your precepts.

I can't help but think of the Words of Christ being so powerful right now. The words in RED, the words before Christ ever shed His blood on the cross. How important meditation on these Words must be. As the famous apostle John wrote, "For the LAW was given through Moses, but GRACE and TRUTH came through Jesus Christ." (John 1:17). And previously he wrote, "The WORD become flesh...dwelt among us.....full of GRACE and TRUTH" (vs 14). If Issac's mediation was to give himself over to the God of Abraham his Father (closeness: cleaving unto God) then I think it is a model we could draw from to grow the inner man that is being formed into Christ. A tool to be established and strengthened in grace in our innermost being. Paul (whom I believe was the author of Hebrews) spoke of having our hearts 'established in grace' (Hebrews 13:9). He also spoke to the people of Colosse and said, "Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." and again "Your Word have I hid in my heart" (vs 11), written in the same Psalm I referred to early about meditation.
It is safe to say that our hearts must be establish or strengthened by grace. That the Words of Christ must dwell in us richly. That the Words of Christ will deliver us from the fiery darts of our enemies. That the meditation of our hearts should always be on the Lord, His Word, His Character, His miracles and wonders. It is safe to say that it is a great thing to have knowledge of scriptures, and it is an even greater thing to take that knowledge to an alone place, a place of solitude, and in the quietness of our hearts lay it all before the Lord with curiosity, praise, and childlike faith to allow God to strengthen our innermost beings with His Grace and fill us with His wisdom and power. Go forth in solitude with the Lord expecting that you will not return home empty handed! "FOR THEY ARE EVER WITH ME"!! Let His Word be forever with you.
And finally brethren: 
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