Trust?? Why Trust God?? Why seek Him above all else? Because He has proved Himself Trustworthy time after time. People often give up on God for many different reasons, but the root is usually that they lost trust in God. Maybe God knew you would be much better off without answering your request. Maybe it was to build character or possible even to try you and purify your soul.
Why Trust? Well, people often say time is their worst enemy. "If I only had some more time!". My question to them is this, "Did not God create the body to wake and to sleep? The stars for night and sun for day? Did He not create time?". Look at this verse for a second. This was God's response to Moses when Moses was making excuses to not obey God and be His prophet.
Why Trust? Well, people often say time is their worst enemy. "If I only had some more time!". My question to them is this, "Did not God create the body to wake and to sleep? The stars for night and sun for day? Did He not create time?". Look at this verse for a second. This was God's response to Moses when Moses was making excuses to not obey God and be His prophet.
The LORD said to him, "Who has made man's mouth? Or who makes him mute or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the LORD?
What God was saying to Moses is, "Look, it is I who creates, It is I who can heal your stammering lips, I created your mouth so why wouldn't I be able to fix it, have some faith Moses". In the same way, time is not really your enemy, doubt is! Yes doubt is your enemy. Anything is possible to him who believes just as the scriptures promised. In the same way that God responded to Moses he responds to our excuses. He is the one that created us. He even created day and night. We may have a limited time here on earth but it was God who can fix what we have left. He can consume our obstacles. God literally stopped time for Joshua during battle. So do you think that time is to much for God? I don't think so, better yet I know so, nothing is impossible for God.
So you say God is far away, and that is why things take so long. It takes forever for Him to hear my prayers. Wrong, sometimes we are not asking in faith, sometimes it is just better for us not to receive an answer and sometimes He just has a master-plan which we don't seem to see yet. So maybe you are right, maybe God is light years away, but should we forget the fact that God is LIGHT? Can he not travel as fast as light. Time can not bind God as a servant. In Acts chapter 8, God confounded all scientific impossibilities by defying time itself and breaking all laws of gravity and speed when He translated the evangelist Philip from one location to miles and miles away instantly. So do you still think God can become a slave to time. Do you still think you should believe that you are a slave to time. Believe the impossible is possible.
In prayer, no distance and no time barriers are a problem. Don't think God can't and will not do it. Don't think it will take too long for God to answer. Several times Jesus just spoke a word from where He was at, which was a very time sensitive situation and a long distance to travel. The moment Jesus spoke people were healed. Are you seeing this? Believe He can and will do anything.
OK so hopefully we have established this truth that time really isn't your enemy and if God created it then God can stop it or defy its very scientific properties. If you still are not convinced take a look at the life of King Hezekiah. This King did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. He was precious to our Creator. In His later years he fell deeply ill with a sickness that even God declared was unto death. God sent a prophet to let him know to put his house in order because he would surely die. But Hezekiah turned over in his bed and cried out to the Lord and made a petition, asking God to extend his life. God immediately answer the mans prayer, he even sent Isaiah the prophet back into the chambers of the King and told him that his life will be extending and he will no longer die. Do you see that.??? It was IMMEDIATELY!!! The prophet hadn't even made it out of the the Kings castle yet. Please don't take my word for this, go to His Word, it is all there, Isaiah chapter 38 is where you will find it.
You know God loves to do above and beyond what we could hope or ask for. You see God could have just healed Hezekiah and not sent word back to him that his life was extending. You know if God wouldn't have done that I could almost guarantee you that it would have been on the Kings mind all the time. He would have been bound by time. He would have been waiting for the moment when he would fall back into a deathly situation and die without much notice. God is so faithful to just speak so clearly to us and to confirm His Words by others and by whatever means possible. To remove the fear of the Kings enemy, time, God did even more than encourage him through Isaiah but indeed God did something that blows all the rest out of the water. Men dream, and envision, and imagine about time travel. It is one of the most interesting subjects and has created a desire for people to write movies and novels about it. People love the idea, but above all that men can possible believe this they will not believe (only in Christ), God indeed turned back the hands of time just to set this King free from the idea that time was running out. God told him to look at the shadow from the sun on the stairs. God moved the direction of the sun in order for the sick King to be encouraged to LIVE a life without worry!!! No more anxieties for that King!!!! He defied all of science by proving that He indeed created the sun and the stars and creation itself. He created you so don't you think He can do anything. Have you thought lately how you don't have to tell every cell in your body to work together to bring about the decisions that your mind makes. He is in control, he intricately made you with a very good dose of IMPOSSIBLE. You indeed are a miracle that is blind to most humans minds. From making babies to healing itself, the body is in God's control and proves God is a powerful being that can do anything.
So now, think about that obstacle. That body of water that is between you and your destiny. The time it would take to cross that ocean. Did God not create that ocean? Trust that God can translate you to the other side or choose to be like Peter and ask God to command you to come out on the water with Him. The Lord is not afraid of drowning. He is not afraid you will drown in your problems either. You know what, I bet Jesus was walking straight to that boat the disciples were in and was just going to jump in and do as He did before and just command the winds to be still. But Peter wanted to be like His Master, His Teacher. Lets be like Peter, lets pray constantly, "Lord let me be like you, drive my fears and doubts far from me, call me out on the waters of life with you." Peter walked on water, so I know that is possible now, but I want to dance on water one day. I want to laugh at death because it has no hold on me. It is indeed His Spirit that can bring me back to life. So the enemy of time has no more power in our lives, but guess what? Our greatest enemy doesn't either. DEATH!! He died so we may have life. If you believe that, truly believe that, then nothing can make you doubt anymore. Meditate on the Life of Jesus within you. You have greatness within you. You are not bound by death nor by time. No more Fear, just Trust!! Bless you all today, Hope this was encouraging. Remember you are the Church and upon this Rock the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against!! No demon in hell can stop you from reaching your full potential in Christ. You will succeed. Bless you again in Jesus Name!!
Rich Cohrs