Friday, April 27

The Church today is somewhat like drunk men walking down the "right" path. With all the doctrines and interpretations that create division they're no longer walking in the center of the road, but like drunk men end up in the ditch. Still going forward in the right path, they all walk in the same direction but on opposites sides of the road. Neither in the center, neither aware of their location in the ditches, and both stumbling in the dark unaware of the truth. One is calling out to the other across the road to the opposite ditch saying, "my way is the right way". The other, vice versus.

 Take for example the grace teaching compared to the good works teaching. One says it is all about good works, the other says it is all about faith and grace. What if the Holy Spirit was speaking while the others were yelling at the other declaring their ways? What if the Holy Spirit was telling both the individuals that they were both equally wrong but equally right? What if the Holy Spirit was in the center of the road saying "you are suppose to be walking with me, let me lead you"?

What do I mean by this? Well take both doctrines into consideration. Good works is right, because we were created in Christ "for good works" (Ephesians 2:10). And grace is right because we were saved by grace through faith and not by works otherwise you will have a reason to boast and also grace would no longer be grace but instead a debt owed to a worthy worker (Ephesians 2). Both doctrines, if not balanced "Spiritually"(by the Holy Spirit), are in danger. Danger of what? The works of the flesh! Good works could easily, so easily, be more of a campaign of trying to get God's attention through the flesh; "Look at me God, look at everything I've been doing", very much like the faithful brother of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). On the other hand the Grace teaching could be so out of balance that holiness is no longer preserved. A lack of repentance, or lack of fear can easily be obtained and God's statutes easily forgotten. Grace is so important and it the foundation in which we stand in Christ, but it is not a "get out of trouble Scot free" card. The Grace of God teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age (Titus 2:12 NIV).

 I am not talking about a compromise of integrity and trying to find a happy medium somewhere in the middle that we can all agree on, I am actually saying there needs to be an adjustment of mindsets, humility (defined) and a "CHANGE" of belief. What is the adjustment? The adjustment is in the middle of the road, He is crying out for you to be led by Him. You see we can do good works all day long but the Holy Spirit is in the center of the road asking you to obey Him, because He has strategically placed the works in the center for you next to His side where you belong. And Grace is needed but it is found in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Grace isn't a teacher yet the letter to Titus says that it teaches us what is right and how to live our lives, so who do you think teaches the truths about Grace? The "One" in the middle of the road, the One that Jesus said will guide (teach) us into all truth.

 So the scripture gives us the answer when it says to be led by the Spirit. It declares that if you are led by God's Spirit you will not fall in anyway, you will not do the works of the flesh at all, you will not gratify the sinful nature within. You are not under the obligations of the law, in which most work based theology is focused. The good works have become an added man-made Christian law within itself. But instead the Holy Spirit will produce the good works (good fruit), the fruit of the Spirit within your lives (Galatians 5), and what will happen is that they will flow freely. Remember Ephesians states that you are "HIS WORKMANSHIP" created to good works, "which he has prepared in advance" (Eph 2:10). Being led by God's Spirit you will see and hear the unction of God as He prompts you to do the "WORK" of the Kingdom. Kingdom fruit is everlasting fruit. When burned it survives untouched and un-ruined; pure. It is important that we don't spend our lives building the house made of hay and stubble but instead build with pure gold and silver and precious stones that are eternal. Build what stands against the storm, build what endures through the fire.

Also it is impossible to be stuck on true Grace and not be led by God's Spirit. It is the Grace of God that empowers you to do good works. It is the Grace of God the empowers you with gifting to be used properly in the Kingdom of God. God's grace is not just the washing over of sins but indeed has many wonderful facets to it. It is manifold (1 Peter 4:10) and is diversified. Even the correct and accurate meaning of "gifts" of the Spirit listed in 1 Cor 12 is defined as "graces". Yes indeed, you are right, it certainly does justify you (Romans 3:24). also teaches you to live righteously (Titus 2:12, Acts 20:32, 2 Timothy 2:1). And to end the good works argument, it is the Grace of God that is fruit producing; in its fruit-producing role: "and is bringing forth fruit, as it is also among you since the day you heard and knew the grace of God in truth" (Colossians 1:6). It is time to know the Grace of God in Truth. And to end the argument from the other side of the ditch, the Grace of God is the empowering and working element in a Christians life for laboring in the Kingdom according to Paul at the ending of his career.  "But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me" (1 Corinthians 15:10). First Paul declared that he labor (good works) more than all the other workers in the field but then he humbled himself before the Corinthians in letter and said that he takes none of the credit but instead it was the Grace of God working in him and through him to produce the good works of the Kingdom. Many other scriptures could I lay out before you showing a more accurate balance of both good works and Grace and how they were never meant to be on opposite sides of the road in a drunken state stumbling in the dark but I will trust that this is enough and it stirs you to know more of the truth. 

So what if... what if the Holy Spirit is in the center of the road crying out for you to be led by Him? What if He is trying to illuminate the path through truth?  What if the Holy Spirit is lighting a path where a stranger, a neighbor, that is badly beaten and and bruised and in need of healing, right there in the center of the road strategically positions by God Himself? What if this man was recently attacked by robbers, clothes stolen, beaten and left half-dead in the center of the road? What if the Holy Spirit is saying to you priestly Good works opinionated man to leave your own agenda of good works, law abiding self, to be in the center helping this man? What if the Holy Spirit was calling out to you, Grace declaring lazy Levite, to get off the dark stumbling path of unrighteousness to help this poor man in need. What if...what if the Holy Spirit is trying to get both your attention to come together and be one NEW MAN, a SAMARITAN who doesn't pass the naked left for dead man, on either side of the road, but instead produces a graceful good work led by the Spirit in the center of the Road. 

Luke 10:29-37

New International Version (NIV)

29 But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?

30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.

36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?

37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.

Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.

What if in the midst of the theological debate and drunken state of stumbling out of the Truth of God into the ditch, you not only became both the Levite and the Priest, but indeed became this man that sought to justify himself asking Jesus, "And who is my neighbor"? Both doctrines are looking to justify themselves either by Grace, or by good works, trying to prove the other wrong. What if it was really Jesus that you were arguing with? Both claim to be experts, both claim to be correct, but in the end it is Christ the leads us into the truth. This man Jesus was telling this parable too, finally understood. Verse 17 says the "EXPERT" replied to Jesus about who the neighbor truly was, "The one who had MERCY on him". What if we have not only become the two on either side of the road but also the one that seeks to justify his own self as an "EXPERT"? What did Jesus say? He said, "GO and do likewise". If the expert was already doing the good works gracefully by faith, then Jesus would have had no reason to give him the command to "GO". All three are two busy, to arrogant, and not walking soberly in the DAY, but walking in the dark. It is during the DAY that the Children of light have the path illuminated to walk correctly in the middle, to see the broken and naked man. It is those who are awake that no longer find time to debate because they are busy doing the WORKS of God in the Kingdom. Lets build the House of God together. Lets build and not drink of our own opinion in a drunken sleep state. Lets be one NEW MAN, united and stand in the Grace of God doing His work. Lets let the Holy Spirit guide us into the light, into the truth, for He is the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13)

 Colossians 4:5-6  Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity. 6 Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.

1 Thessalonians 5:5  You are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.

Ephesians 5:8-21
 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.  Therefore He says:

“Awake, you who sleep,
Arise from the dead,
And Christ will give you light.
Walk in Wisdom

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God.

Written by: Rich Cohrs

Friday, April 20

People always say walk by faith. Sometimes they say they are walking by faith to excuse a lack of humility. You may ask them, "Have you heard from God", "Have you prayed and asked God?", and they may reply, "I have free will", "God is not concerned, I walk by faith". Well, I do believe that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the WORD OF GOD. There are somethings that are scriptural and we just walk by faith believing them, there are other things that pertain to our personal walk with the Lord that we need a WORD from God first. James said to the business not to "say" I will go in do this or that but instead, "I will, if the Lord WILLS".  Abraham was the father of Faith and it says that we are his children if we walk in the same faith of Abraham. Lets see, so did Abraham just conjure up an idea to go find the promise land or did God reveal Himself to Abraham and tell Him there was a Promise Land, and then did God give him a command to depart and go find it? To often we conjure up ideas and just tell ourselves to walk by faith. We say, "well God wants to give us the desires of our own hearts". All that is in the world is the Lust of the Flesh, Lust of the eyes, and the pride of Life, be careful that these desires that are deep within don't deceive you. You have no need for a 80,000 dollar car or a 2 million dollar house when you are single or have no kids. Even beyond that, if you make these things your goal then you have missed the mark.

Father Abraham, if he is your father, understood we are just pilgrims and sojourners here on earth, he seeked a heavenly homeland although he was searching here on earth. He found no place to make/build a house. No dwelling place here on earth was meant for him. He spent all his days in tents and moving around on the earth from one place to the other (nomadic). He had money(lots of money), he had servants, he was wealthy and was like one of the Kings, but he didn't live his life in pleasure. He continually searched for the Promise, dwelling in tents only. He was not of this world and declared to be a pilgrim and a sojourner. He died in faith; not living as if he obtained the promise. So remember God is not concerned about making every Christian the next Bill Gates, which is on the mind of tons of Christians. Wealth is Ok, but it shouldn't be seeked as a number one calling in life. We are to seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and everything else falls into place, if you happen to be the next Bill Gates then you are blessed of the Lord. If you seek His Kingdom before everything else and you happen to be the next Paul you are blessed of the Lord, who was condemned to death, made a spectacle to the world, a fool for Christ's sake, weak while you were strong, dishonored, hungry and thirsty, poorly clothed, beaten and homeless, laboring and working with his own hands, reviled and persecuted and was made as the filth of the world, the offscouring of all things until now (1 Corinthians 4). This is all in Chapter 4 of 1 Corinthians, first Paul tells the Corinthians that they are rich and that they are "already" living as kings, yet he declares that they are not truly reigning because if they were Paul would be too, but instead Paul decided to tell them how he lives which I listed above briefly. Verse 14 Paul says he didn't write any of those things, which I listed above, to make them feel bad about there life but as a father in faith he was "Warning" them. And then in verse 16, Paul urges them after his warning to instead live like him, to "Imitate" him (as he listed in detail). Paul understood that even if God had blessed him above and beyond with earthly wealth as He did to Abraham, that he should still live a life seeking God's Kingdom above all else and to not live with worldly pleasures. Not to make a kingdom here on earth when there is a Kingdom ready for us to reign in the heavens as Jesus said, "I go to prepare a place for you".

I am not saying this in a impure religious way condemning the prosperity gospel as if Gods principals are not true, but I am saying that if you are sowing for the purpose of being rich and that is your earthly focus then you have truly missed the mark. God didn't put seed time and harvest here on earth to make you a King but to bring forth a harvest. He is the King. In Israel, the tribes were led by God and the judges that God gave the oracles too. There was no King until man rejected God as King and Saul was given in His place; with a "warning" I might add. Then God choose David as the next King and it wasn't because God was saying OK to having a King but instead David was a man after God's own heart. God warned man what Kings would do to them. God gave them the choice and the warning. They suffered the consequences, even till this day they are reaping what they sowed. We don't need to be ex-halted by our own measures but in Humility brought low until the time is right for God to to let us reign.  Anyone who temps you to make a Kingdom for yourself here on earth is not speaking with the Words that come from God. We are to seek His Kingdom above all else. Don't worry about making one for yourself. Why would you, when it is promised that Jesus Himself is preparing yours already. Your mansion is already being prepared. You will have it in the right timing. This life is but a vapor why spend that vapor building your pleasures when you can't take them with you. But instead spend that vapor seeking God's Kingdom, making Christ known. Let that be your number one goal. If you happen to be the Next Bill Gates then don't live like Bill, but instead live like Abraham, and with your wealth take care of the less fortunate, sow into the mission field, give, give, give. You will be happier in the end when you realize none was worth it. The car, the house,  the fancy this and fancy that, none is eternal but what was built in the Kingdom of God. Don't let people speak into your lives that take your focus off of God's Kingdom and make it a self-gospel. If they make your focus withing yourself than how could it be based on LOVE. If you become a Bill, I suggest you spend the majority of your money on clothing and then give it all away to those who are naked. Spend it all on food and then what you can't eat, give it all away to the hungry. Spend it all on houses that you can't live in, then give them all away to the homeless. You will be blessed on earth and in heaven. Live like a servant and not a King. Rich or not, leave your pleasures far behind you so they don't hinder your Kingdom WALK here on earth. Abraham never stopped his search, never stopped to build his kingdom, never stopped to indulge in many pleasures. He was focused on finding the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. Now it is here in our days, we have God's grace, we have His Spirit to empower us, His Kingdom is all around us. Focus on it, live in it, not your own. Expand it, pray for more of it on earth. 

You can't walk by faith and only be building a place for you to Reign when it is not time for you to Reign. If you do you will be very unhappy in the end, because you would have only reigned for a vapor, it will all be gone in no time and you would not have had time to enjoy it. None will pass through fire and remain, but those who endure till the end as bond-servants will reign for eternity. Servants are not kings, but they serve their Master and obey His word. Abraham is the model of our faith. God sent him blessings but he was faithful and felt no need to be the first Hebrew King but instead the father of the Hebrew/Christian faith. Walk in His footsteps. If God tells you to be a King then by all means make yourself a kingdom and live your life in pleasure like the Rich Corinthians were doing. God blessed them and they began to reign before their time according to Paul. Instead I suggest you get a vision from God, a true vision from God, and when you have it, run with it. Keep focused on it, walk by faith with it. Don't be afraid of wealth but don't make it your focus either. Remember Abraham was given a promise and i am sure that he had temptations with all the wealth he had to be a the first King of the Hebrews but instead he was called to be the first Father of the Hebrews. He focused and focused and never stopped believing, He was made righteous because of this. 

Wednesday, April 18

Paul says, "I am a bond-servant of Jesus Christ", and the scripture also says that "we have been bought with a price". Even so in Ephesians chapter 3 the Word states that we have been "saved unto good works". First what does it mean to be a bond-servant? In Old Testament Law it was permitted that slaves be set free at certain times as a Jewish tradition set in order by God Himself. When a good master had slaves every so often when it was time for them to be set free the servant would choose to remain with his master.  Usually this was due to his years of wonderful kindness (there were other reasons too but this was the main reason). The servant loved him and chose to stay. This was how you became a bond-servant. Then the servant would be put up against the wall and take his masters mark. His ear would be pierced with a certain instrument of those days indicating that he is no longer a slave but one that was aloud to sit and eat at the table of the master like a child in the master house. 

As Jesus paid the price with His blood and set us free from the slave bonds of Darkness and the sin that had us bound, we are now free. As a bond-servant we choose not to use our freedom to do wrong but instead do good; righteously serving the Lord as a son in the Masters House. Not choosing our old master (sin) but a new Master, a worthy and kind Master, Jesus. As we are born again we are truly children of God and freed from the power of darkness. Now we are left with a choice to serve God. Some choose to live out their Christian life doing "little" works here and there and that is great, and the Master Loves you, but we were created unto good works Ephesians 3 says. So in our freedom, lets choose to not just be a son at the Masters table and enjoy the benefits, but in righteousness lets choose to be bond-servants dedicating our lives to serving and doing the Works of the Father here on earth. Paul was sold out to God and that is why he used the term "bond-servant", indicating that he is free now, but choosing to do all that he can to further the Kingdom of His Master. If you haven't already dedicated your life to doing good and to serve King Jesus there is no better time than now. He Loves you, He paid the price for you, the least you can do is just choose to be available. God gives His grace to empower you to do all the works that He has called you to do. Let your talents and the giftings hidden deep within you be free as well. Use them to further the Kingdom of our Master. 

As every man has received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the [manifold] grace of God. 1 Peter 4:10

Bless you again today. My the Lord pour out a blessing on you so large it can't even be contained. Pour it out on others today!!

By: Rich Cohrs

Sunday, April 15

One thing I have learned from past mistakes is this. Always follow the Leading of the Spirit no matter how stupid or how foolish you may be. I still don't always do it, but I still feel more like a fool when I choose to disobey. But another thing that I have learned that is even just as important is this. It is better to obey God rather than man. In the 5th chapter of Acts you will see scriptures that speak of the mighty works Jesus did through the Apostles. Many miracles it says were performed and as a result many people believed in Jesus. The Apostles were doing the work of the Lord but when you do the works of God there will always be the oppressor sent to bring opposition on your grace walk with the Lord. Just so happened that the religious leaders of that day became Jealous of the the Apostles because people were talking about them everywhere. So they arrested them and put them in the public jail out of pure hatred and jealousy. But what is great about great oppositions is that there is sometimes a great grace for deliverance. Not always the case but in this case the Angel of the Lord opened the doors of the Jail and brought them out and commanded them to go to the temple and tell the people about the wonderful life they could have in Christ. Long story short. They found out they escaped, found them and brought them before the court and wanted to know why they still taught about Jesus. Boldly their reply was. 

Acts 5:29 Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings!

This should be at the foundation of every Christians heart established in His Grace. No mans opinion is better than Gods. No mans thought toward you are better than Gods. No man should be looked up to more than God. We have no reason to obey man before we obey God. We live in a country were our freedom always allows us to speak freely about the Grace of God found in the person Jesus. In other countries people are literaly skinned alive, stabbed to death, hung, shot, stoned, whipped, limbs torn off, and the list could get more gruesome and keep going on and on. This happens today. Why? Because people realize that even without our American freedom they still have freedom in the Spirit to obey the unction of the Spirit and speak freely about the man Jesus Christ. Eventually it cost their life. We, on the other hand, are completely free by the law but somehow feel as if we can't speak like this. Why is this, it is because we care to much of what others think. The people don't want us to speak. They are going to get mad at us. On and on the list goes. But it is better to obey God rather than man. 

I learned this from another lesson one time. People thought that I would be the perfect person to play the role in there ministry which wasn't God's plan for my life. They pressured me and pressured me and I gave in(I felt it wasn't the Lord from the beginning but my spiritual leaders felt it was the Lord). I gave in for months and was doing the ministry but then I knew what I had to do. I had to humble myself before the Lord and tell them that God didn't want me doing these things and that He had a different plan for me. Unfortunately a lot of people were let down. I lost a ton of friends. I left my Church. I become like an orphan child of the kingdom with no Christian family, but I have this one thing; I may have let man down, but ultimately God smiled. God saw the heart of mine and the brokenness that it brought. The emotional roller-coaster that was disturbing me from within my soul. But I felt more free that day than I felt in a long time. You see I use to be the YES MAN. Everything that was asked of me, I would simply just say YES. That day I learned to say, Enough is Enough and i will no longer say Yes to man but instead to God. Don't be the Martha's who miss the blessing of being at Jesus feet. There is a time and a place for hospitably but when your Lord has summoned you be a Mary and sit at His feet, don't pass up the impartation. It is there that you will hear the Word of the Lord. It is there where you will feel His mighty presence. It is there where you will be imparted His Glory. And in His Glory, when it shines upon your face, like Moses when he came down the mountain and His countenance shined, so will you. That is where you will begin to Shine. That is where you are ultimately transformed into the very image of Jesus Christ. 

Thursday, April 12

Isaiah 1:18 "Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD......
All the great prophets and men of God you see in the bible reasoned with the Lord. They made petitions of Grace. They asked for things they did not deserve. 

The scripture says to come boldly to the throne room of Grace. Many people confuse boldness with yelling or speaking loudly, making demands on a promise. That couldn't be all the more a lie. A bold speaker is not one that yells and gets excited, a bold speaker is one that is not afraid to speak the truth no matter the consequences, a man or woman of courage and integrity, a person displaying confidence.

King Hezekiah's health was determined by God Himself that the sickness that he was suffering was going to be the sickness that put him to rest for good. A prophet of God came to Hezekiah and spoke the bold sincere truth from God about the Kings coming death. The bold King turned over in his death bed and "reasoned" with the Lord. He reminded God of all the good things that he humbly did in his life. God listened to the reasoning of the King and spared his life for many many more years. God even sent the same prophet back to him to give him confidence and a sign of Gods Grace. God was faithful to His promise and the King did not die but instead recovered and lived the exact years that the prophet had spoken in his return to the King. (Isaiah 38)

God is neither a genie in a bottle nor is he a state lottery. He is a King and Master of Great Grace. Humility brings about greater grace in your life. How can I say this? Well the scriptures says it quite plainly. "But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, 'GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE.' " (James 4:6). Hezekiah reasoned with the Lord and when he did he reminded God of his humble deeds that he accomplished during his reign in the name of the Lord. He reminded God of his extreme humility. God never extended his life because of the awesome good works but instead because he reasoned with the Lord and God had compassion. It said that he heard his prayer and saw his "Tears". God answered the plea of a humble man. Hezekiah wasn't yelling at the Lord like a bratty child, but instead cried out to the God for Mercy. God was moved with compassion as Hezekiah turned over in his promised death bed and "tears" flowed like a river. Sounds a little different than loud arrogant demanding prayer doesn't it? Hezekiah was a humble man and he prayed in humility. He didn't tell God that he didn't deserve death as if God owed him more days on the earth, but instead reasoned with God and pleaded with Him to spare His life. God gave a greater grace and extended the mans life 15 more years. 

When you approach God with boldness remember that it is always and honor to be in the presence of the King of Kings. Like a disobedient and foolish child making rude demands to his father, the wise father does not answer. In the same way watch how you speak to the Lord, he opposes the proud but draws near to the humble, He gives greater grace. 

"Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.

Start by reasoning with the Lord, watch your sins wash away. Walk in Humility and pray in humility and watch how your reasoning is granted a Greater Grace.

Bold defined at this link:

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